



When you follow your true purposes the life of your dream is coming with every step.

So we did one day, choose the best place for living, gathered the best developers together and created a great community where we organize offline and online events with a frequency of 1-2 times a month.The number of participants has already reached up to 700 people since it was founded. The total number of event participants for this year is more than 2000 people. That’s how we grow, but what about the inner kitchen?

Urbamatica office is full of creative people, interesting projects, IT education sessions and mentorship, english lessons, daily brainstorming and friendly relationships. Our team usually includes frontend devs, mobile devs, backend services. With the ability to maintain a full development lifecycle and everyday feature delivery.

We are very ambitious and have big plans for the European and US market, that’s why this is a good opportunity in fast growing for those who will join us and become a part of Urbamatica team.

Отзывы о компании

Оценка Dream Job


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Преимущества и льготы
  • 4
    Своевременная оплата труда
  • 3
    Удобное расположение работы
Python Developer
Февраль 2022
Карьерный рост, классный коллектив. Хорошая система обучения, со мной работает персональный наставник. Всегда своевременно выплачивается зарплата.
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